ASIA: Domestic Violence Agencies
Azerbaijan Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Bangladesh Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

Bhutan Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Brunei Darussalam Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Cambodia Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

China &
Hong Kong Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

East Timor Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
veja também Português see also Tetun
- Alola Foundation
- Women's NGOs by District
- Aileu:
- Baucau:
- Bobonaro:
- Dili:
- Ermera:
- Los Palos:
- Oecussi Enclave
- Suai:
- Rede Feto Timor-Leste East Timor Women Network
- East Timorese Grassroots Organisations & Networks
- Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine
India Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

Indonesia Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
lihat juga Bahasa Indonesia see also Indonesian
- Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak
Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection
- Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak P2TP2A
Integrated Service Centers for Women and Children
- Yayasan Pulih Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta & Lampulo Banda Aceh
The Elimination of Trafficking in Persons in Indonesia
Report by Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, Indonesia, 2005
- Komnas Perempuan gulir ↓ untuk Kemitraan Peta
National Commision on Violence Against Women scroll ↓ to Partnership Map
- Gugus Tugas Pencegahan dan penanganan tindak pidana perdagangan orang
- Lembaga Layanan Institution Services
- Lembaga Mitra Partner Institutions
- Rifka Annisa Women's Crisis Center
- Mitra Perempuan Women’s Crisis Center Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor
- Mitra Wacana Pusat Layanan Informasi Perempuan Women's Resource Center, Bantul, Yogyakarta
- Women's Crisis Center Jombang
- Cahaya Perempuan Women's Crisis Centre Bengkulu
- Rumah Perempuan Kupang Kupang
- Lembaga Advokasi Perempuan DAMAR DAMAR's Advocacy Institute for Women
- Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial on Wayback Machine
Institute for Social and Economic Research, Education & Information
- Organizations addressing violence against women
- Asosiasi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan Indonesian Womens Association for Justice
- Human Trafficking NGO List
- World March of Women List
- Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine

Japan Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

Kazakhstan Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

Korea North Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
너무 한국어 보십시요 (see also Korean)
- No agencies found yet, but here is some information on the situation:
Korea South Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

Kyrgyzstan (Republic of Kyrgyz) Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Lao PDR Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
see also Lao ເບິ່ງຍັງ ລາວ
- ສະຫະພັນແມ່ຍິງລາວ Lao Women's Union
- working to upgrade the role and status of women and actively involving them in the national safeguard and development process
- Lao National Commission for the Advancement in Women (Lao NCAW):
- mandated in 2003 with the task of gender mainstreaming in the government
- Organizations addressing violence against women
- World March of Women List
- Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine
Macau Asia
Special Administrative Region of China
Domestic Violence Agencies
Malaysia Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Maldives Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Mongolia Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Myanmar Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Nepal Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Pakistan Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Philippines Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Singapore Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

Sri Lanka Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

Taiwan Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

Tajikistan Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Thailand Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Tibet Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Domestic Violence Agencies Asia
см. также Русский (see also Russian)
- Keik Okara NGO operates domestic abuse hotline & support centre
- Women's Organisations
Uzbekistan Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies
Vietnam Asia
Domestic Violence Agencies

1We are not responsible for the quality of the resources listed. They are provided as a reference only.