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globe ASIA: Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Azerbaijan Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Bangladesh Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Bhutan Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Brunei Darussalam Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Cambodia Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe China  & globe Hong Kong Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon 参见 中文 see also Chinese

  1. pdf 没有暴力的生活是所有人的权利  A Life Without Violence is the Right of All
    与救援机构名单 —with a list of relief agencies

  2. 中国妇女维权与法律帮助网 China women's rights and legal help network
    • 全国妇联妇女维权公益服务热线: 12338
      China Women's Federation activist public service hotline: 12338
    • 中国妇女儿童心理咨询热线: 4006012338
      Chinese women and children psychological counseling hotline: 4006012338

  3. 红枫妇女心理咨询中心The Maple Women’s Psychological Counseling Center
  4. 中国妇女网 blue dot All-China Women's Federation
  5. 中国妇联新闻--人民网 China Women's Federation News - People's Daily
  6. 西部女性网 Western Women Network
  7. Organizations addressing violence against women
  8. Human Trafficking NGO List
  9. World March of Women List
  10. LifeLine Shanghai
  11. LifeLine Yanji scroll
  12. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine includes organizations in Hong Kong

  13. Hong Kong

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globe East Timor Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon veja também Português see also Tetun

  1. Alola Foundation

  2. Women's NGOs by District

  3. Rede Feto Timor-Leste East Timor Women Network
  4. East Timorese Grassroots Organisations & Networks
  5. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine

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globe India Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon see also Hindi हिन्दी, Bengali বাংলা, Gujarati ગુજરાતી, Punjabi ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, Tamil தமிழ், Urdu اُردُو

  1. We Can End All Violence Against Women

  2. Jagori

  3. NAARI today: Voice of Women on Wayback Machine

  4. Voluntary Organisations on Women Welfare (by state) on Wayback Machine
  5. India Together: Resources for Women
  6. Swayam (West Bengal)
  7. My Choices Help in Hyderabad

  8. Bell Bajao! (Ring the Bell!) by Breakthrough
  9. Aid for Change Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
  10. Foundation for Legal Aid, Environment & Social Action
  11. ARM: Alternative for Rural Movement
  12. Men Against Violence & Abuse (MAVA)
  13. World March of Women List
  14. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine

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globe Indonesia Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon lihat juga Bahasa Indonesia see also Indonesian

  1. Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak
    Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection

  2. Yayasan Pulih Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta & Lampulo Banda Aceh

  3. pdf The Elimination of Trafficking in Persons in Indonesia
    Report by Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, Indonesia, 2005

  4. Komnas Perempuan gulir untuk Kemitraan Peta
    National Commision on Violence Against Women scroll to Partnership Map

  5. Gugus Tugas Pencegahan dan penanganan tindak pidana perdagangan orang

  6. Rifka Annisa Women's Crisis Center
  7. Mitra Perempuan Women’s Crisis Center Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor
  8. Mitra Wacana Pusat Layanan Informasi Perempuan Women's Resource Center, Bantul, Yogyakarta
  9. Women's Crisis Center Jombang
  10. Cahaya Perempuan Women's Crisis Centre Bengkulu
  11. Rumah Perempuan Kupang Kupang

  12. Lembaga Advokasi Perempuan DAMAR DAMAR's Advocacy Institute for Women

  13. Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial on Wayback Machine
    Institute for Social and Economic Research, Education & Information

  14. Organizations addressing violence against women
  15. Asosiasi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan Indonesian Womens Association for Justice
  16. Human Trafficking NGO List
  17. World March of Women List
  18. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine

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globe Japan Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon 日本語また見なさい * see also Japanese

  1. 主な支援機関・団体:女性・子ども - 内閣府 犯罪被害者等施策ホームページ
    Cabinet Office Crime Victims Measures Website - Support for: Women and Children

  2. 国立女性教育会館施設概要検索結果一覧 National Women's Education Center Facility search results
  3. DV(配偶者からの暴力)防止対策 - 我孫子市 DV (spousal violence) prevention—Abiko City
  4. 財団法人横浜市男女共同参画推進協会 Yokohama Association for the Promotion of Gender Equality Foundation
  5. アジア女性資料センタ blue dot Asia-Japan Women's Resource Center

  6. TELL: Tokyo English Life Line
  7. Tokyo Rape Crisis Center
  8. Asian Women's Center

  9. Human Trafficking NGO List

  10. World March of Women List
  11. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine

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globe Kazakhstan Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon см. также Русский see also Russian

  1. ОЮЛ «Союз кризисных центров Казахстана» * альтернате сайте
    ALE "Union of Crisis Centers of Kazakhstan" (with alternate site)
  2. Кризисный центр «Подруги» on Wayback Machine "Friends" Crisis Centre
  3. Кризистный центр Забота * Zabota Crisis Center
  4. Женские НПО Казахстана Women's NGOs in Kazakhstan on Wayback Machine
  5. Федерация Женщин "Status" Federation of Women "Status"

  6. UNDP NGO List

  7. Национальная комиссия по делам женщин и семейно-демографической политике
    The National Commission for Women Affairs and Family—Demographic Policy on Wayback Machine

  8. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine
  9. Non-Governmental Organizations of Kazahkstan (from 1996)

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globe Korea North Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Korea South Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon 너무 한국어 보십시요 (see also Korean)

  1. 여성가족부 Ministry of Gender Equality and Family

  2. 서울 1366 Seoul 1366

  3. 경북해바라기여성/아동 센터 Kyungpook National Sunflower Women's / Children's Center
  4. 전남해바라기여성아동센터 Chonnam National Sunflower Women's, Children's Center
  5. 강원·영동 해바라기 여성·아동 센터 Gangwon Gel Sunflower Women's and Children's Center
  6. 서울해바라기여성아동센터 Seoul Sunflower Crisis Intervention Center for Women and Children
  7. 울산해바라기여성아동지원센터 Ulsan Sunflower Women's Child Support Center
  8. 부산해바라기여성·아동센터 Busan Sunflower Women's and Children's Center

  9. 전국원스톱센터 안내 Nationwide One-Stop Centres

  10. 한국여성의전화 Korea Women's Hotline Korea Women's Hotline

  11. 뛴다! 한국성폭력상담소 Jump! Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center
  12. 이주여성긴급지원센터 1577-1366 blue dot Migrant Women's Hotline 1577-1366

  13. 한국여성단체연합 Korea Women's Associations United (KWAU)

  14. 한국여성민우회 blue dot Korean Womenlink

  15. Human Trafficking NGO List

  16. LifeLine
  17. World March of Women List
  18. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine

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globe Kyrgyzstan (Republic of Kyrgyz) Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Lao PDR Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon see also Lao ເບິ່ງຍັງ ລາວ

  1. ສະຫະພັນແມ່ຍິງລາວ Lao Women's Union

  2. Lao National Commission for the Advancement in Women (Lao NCAW):
    • mandated in 2003 with the task of gender mainstreaming in the government

  3. Organizations addressing violence against women
  4. World March of Women List
  5. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine

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globe Macau Asia Special Administrative Region of China Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Malaysia Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Maldives Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Mongolia Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Myanmar Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Nepal Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Pakistan Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Philippines Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Singapore Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

EarthWords icon see also Bengali বাংলা, Malayu, Chinese 中文, Tamil தமிழ், English

  1. Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)

  2. Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC)

  3. Ministry of Social and Family Development

  4. Singapore Council of Women's Organizations

  5. PAVe: Centre for Promoting Alternatives to Violence

  6. Ang Mo Kio Family Service Centres

  7. Fei Yue Family Service Centres

  8. Asian Women's Welfare Association (AWWA)
  9. Care Corner

  10. World March of Women List
  11. Online Women in Politics List on Wayback Machine

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globe Sri Lanka Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Taiwan Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Tajikistan Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Thailand Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Tibet Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Turkmenistan Domestic Violence Agencies Asia

EarthWords icon см. также Русский (see also Russian)

  1. Keik Okara NGO operates domestic abuse hotline & support centre
  2. Women's Organisations

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globe Uzbekistan Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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globe Vietnam Asia Domestic Violence Agencies

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1We are not responsible for the quality of the resources listed. They are provided as a reference only.

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